segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2007
Desktop II
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007
Early Winter?

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2007
Ainda não é desta...
Tenho andado ocupado com "outras coisas" e nem sequer tenho feito posts de jeito... >.<
Enfim... como "consolação" meto uma nova playlist.
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007
Virtual Barbershop
Para ouvirem esta demonstração das capacidades auditivas dos humanos tem que ter auscultadores (uns "phones" normais servem) e ouvir o som alto o suficiente para abafar o ruído circundante (ou então estar num local silencioso) para melhorar a experiência.
Virtual Barbershop
Oiçam e "atrofiem-se"! Eu atrofiei-me! :S
PS: É muito importante ter OS DOIS "phones" nos ouvidos senão não se percebe qual a piada.
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007
Harder Bodies Faster Stronger
Fica aqui o desejo de um dia mais saudável!
Link : Harder Bodies Faster Stronger
segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2007
Random Photos III

Teste de Personalidade
E porque não?! O meu resultado :
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Counsellors
- Search for meaning in their life and develop powerful insights
- Are dedicated to helping others reach their potential
- Think of themselves as gentle, peaceable and cautious
- Others may find it difficult to get to know them
More about Counsellors
Counsellors have a natural understanding of human relationships and the complexities of life, which they use to help others. They search for meaning in everything and develop complex insights.
Counsellors are least likely to describe themselves as atheists, according to a
UK survey.
Counsellors feel most relaxed and creative when their surroundings are organised. They are deeply private people who only share their insights with trusted friends; however, they will defend their values if challenged.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Counsellors may withdraw from the people around them or become resentful. Under extreme stress, Counsellors may feel overwhelmed and be driven to organise small parts of their lives such as their kitchen cabinets or their record collection.
Counsellors typically prefer a few close relationships to a wide circle of friends.
Counsellor Careers
Counsellors are often drawn to jobs where they can help people develop emotionally, intellectually or spiritually and where they can use their imagination.
domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007
Virus 2 (Jogo)
Desta vez vai mais um joguinho online que ajuda a passar aqueles minutos em que estamos à espera que o dia passe ou que cheguem as 18 horas para sair do emprego! ;)
Link : Virus 2


quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2007
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007
Give me the words
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything
By saying nothing
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
In a manner of speaking
Semantics won't do
In this life that we live
We only make do
And the way that we feel
Might have to be sacrificed
So in a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That like you I should find a way
To tell you everything
By saying nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
Oh give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words
Give me the words
segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2007
Onde o Outono se agacha para dormir.
Nunca o recomeço foi fácil, tu sabes.
Eu morri por dentro, torrencial,
Um dia hastearás por mim, promete,
José Jorge Letria
sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007
Stronghold of Sage

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2007
Um HERÓI da vida real. (Gatos)
Vejam os vídeos por ordem. E não procurem evitar as lágrimas, é mesmo para ficar comovido. :'-)
Injured Kitty Wont Give Up - Watch more free videos
E uns meses mais tarde...
Cripple Kitten - updates 21Jul2007 - Watch more free videos
It get's me this fuzzy and tingly feeling inside my chest.
Mood: Emotional
quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007
Arctic Fox

Let's Be Friends

Outras fotos do género.
I've Learned...
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts.
I've learned hat you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better know something.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do.
I've learned that you can do some thing in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned that you can keep going long after you can't.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done regardless of the consequences.
I've learned that money is a lousy way to keep score.
I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I've learned that the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to pick you back up.
I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I've learned that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.
I've learned that no matter good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.