quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2007

Words of Advice

Eis o que dizia hoje no meu horóscopo (sou Balança já agora):

Every relationship involves a balance of power, but it's important that you not confuse balancing power with fighting for control. Not every compromise has to be about someone giving up what they want for the sake of what someone else wants. So today, when you and a friend or sweetie are at loggerheads, don't assume that the winner takes it all -- you can come to an agreement about what you both want, and then together the two of you can plan out how you're going to get it.

É assim mesmo minha gente... isto é para todos aqueles que acham que estar numa relação tem a ver com tirar e ser "tirado", quando devia ser dar e receber, ou por vezes simplesmente cooperar...

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