Loving kindness reaches out and touches everyone, gently healing mind, body, and spirit.
by Fragrant Heart
Loving kindness reaches out and touches everyone, gently healing mind, body, and spirit.
Each day I am being created anew, new cells replacing old ones so why would I want to stay stuck in old thought patterns that keep me from the full expression of life?
I may make mistakes, fall down, or slip up, but instead of berating myself I pick myself up and return to the centre of my being, to that place of love.
Meditation has taught me that even when I judge my life as a mess I can accept that and take steps to do something about it.
Feelings that are ignored remain trapped inside me. Feelings that are acknowledged lead me deeper into Consciousness where love and wisdom reside.
An emotion is simply an array of physical responses due to chemicals pouring through my body. I can resist the flow and contract or I can embrace the flow, and accept and allow what is happening in the present moment leaving me at ease, fully at ease in my mind and body.
My emotions are a natural part of my being. I give up struggling against them, suppressing and subduing them. They are whatever they are; fear, shame, hurt or anger and as I embrace and accept them they dissolve into the ocean of Consciousness.